In the competitive world of rental property management, creating a compelling property listing is vital for landlords who want to find good tenants. A well-written listing can help highlight what makes your property unique and attract a vast pool of interested renters.

Crafting a compelling property listing is essential for landlords seeking to fill vacancies and secure reliable tenants. It's not just about listing the basic details; it's about presenting your property in the best possible light to attract the right renters.

In this guide, we'll break down the process of creating a successful listing, covering everything from structuring your description to highlighting key features and ensuring accuracy. Following these tips increases your chances of finding the perfect tenants for your rental property.

Formatting Tips for Writing Property Descriptions

Crafting an Attention-Grabbing Headline

The headline is the first thing potential tenants see, so it's essential to make it attention-grabbing. Keep it concise and use descriptive language to highlight the property's most attractive feature.

For example, instead of simply stating "Two-Bedroom Apartment for Rent," you could write "Spacious Two-Bedroom Apartment with Convenient Access to Downtown Core".

Writing an Introduction that Sets the Stage

After the headline, the introduction sets the tone for the rest of the listing. Use this section to provide a brief overview of the property, including its type (e.g., apartment, house, condo), size, cost of rent and location. Aim to capture the reader's interest and encourage them to continue reading the rest of the description.

Brown wooden table set up as a desk with multiple books, a laptop, a cup of coffee, and a notebook and pen

Elaborating on Property Details

In the main body of the listing, elaborate on the key details of the property. Include information such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, any special features or amenities (e.g., hardwood floors, updated kitchen), and details about the neighborhood or nearby attractions.

Use clear and concise language to ensure potential tenants can easily understand the information.

Highlighting Special Offers or Promotions

If any special offers or promotions are available, such as reduced rent for the first month or waived application fees, be sure to highlight them in the listing. This can help attract more attention to the property and incentivize potential tenants to take action.

Encouraging Next Steps with a Call to Action

Conclude the listing with a clear call to action that encourages potential tenants to take the following steps: scheduling a viewing or contacting the landlord for more information. Provide clear instructions on how to proceed and make it easy for interested parties to get in touch.

Crafting Compelling Real Estate Listing Descriptions

Utilizing Effective Listing Words to Attract Great Residents

Choose your words carefully to create a sense of excitement and urgency in your listing. Use descriptive language to highlight the property's best features and create a compelling narrative that entices potential tenants to learn more.

Family of three packing moving boxes together

Essential Features to Include in Your Listing Description

When describing the property, include essential features likely to attract tenants, such as updated appliances, spacious living areas, or a convenient location.

Key Selling Points to Incorporate in Your Home Description

Identify the property's key selling points and be sure to highlight them prominently in the listing. Whether it's a recently renovated bathroom, a private backyard, or proximity to schools and shopping centers, these features can help attract more attention to the property.

Best Practices for Writing Home Descriptions

Follow best practices for writing home descriptions, such as optimizing the word count, seeking a second opinion from a trusted friend or colleague, and ensuring accuracy in depicting renovations or upgrades.

Optimizing Word Count

Keep your listing concise and to the point, providing enough information to pique the interest of potential tenants without overwhelming them with unnecessary details.

Steering Clear of Jargon

Avoid using industry-specific jargon or technical terms that potential tenants may not understand. Keep the language simple and easy to understand to ensure your listing appeals to a broad audience.

Being Mindful of Real Estate Abbreviations

If you must use abbreviations in your listing, explain them clearly to avoid confusion. For example, instead of simply stating "BR" for bedroom, write out "bedroom" to ensure clarity.

Similarly, avoid using abbreviations that may confuse potential tenants. Spell out terms such as "washer/dryer" instead of "W/D" to ensure your listing is easily understood.

One person packing moving boxes on a bed while another person sits in a chair using a moving box as a desk for their laptop

Avoiding Overuse of All Caps and Exclamation Points

While it's tempting to use caps and exclamation points to draw attention to certain features, avoid overusing them as they can come across as unprofessional.

Ensuring Accuracy in Depicting Renovations

If the property has undergone any renovations or upgrades, make sure to accurately depict them in the listing. Provide details about when the renovations were completed and what improvements were made.

Maintaining Honesty in Descriptions

Maintain honesty and integrity in your descriptions. Avoid exaggerating or misrepresenting the property's features, as this can lead to disappointment and distrust among potential tenants.

Seeking a Second Opinion

Before publishing your listing, ask for feedback from a trusted friend or colleague. They may be able to provide valuable insights or suggest improvements to make your listing more effective.

Words to Avoid in Real Estate Advertising

When advertising your rental property, try to reframe negative features positively. If the property has any negative features, such as a small kitchen or limited parking, reframe them positively. For example, instead of focusing on the size of the kitchen, highlight its functionality and modern amenities.

Adhering to Fair Housing Guidelines

Ensure your listing complies with fair housing laws and guidelines to avoid discrimination. Remember to avoid using language or descriptions that may inadvertently exclude certain groups based on factors such as race, religion, or familial status.

Close up of someone working on their laptop

Doing so not only helps you stay compliant with fair housing laws but also fosters a sense of fairness and equity in the rental process.

Thorough Proofreading

Before publishing your listing, thoroughly proofread it to check for spelling or grammatical errors. A well-written listing reflects positively on the landlord's professionalism and can help attract more tenants.

Bottom Line

In summary, writing a good property listing requires careful attention to detail and a focus on clearly and compellingly highlighting your property's best features. By following the formatting tips and best practices outlined in this article, landlords can create effective listings that attract quality tenants and lead to successful rental agreements.

At McCourt Real Estate & Property Management, we understand the importance of a well-written property listing in attracting potential tenants. Our team of experienced professionals can assist landlords in crafting effective listings that maximize their properties' visibility and appeal.

From crafting attention-grabbing headlines to highlighting key selling points and ensuring compliance with fair housing guidelines, we offer comprehensive services tailored to landlords' needs. With our expertise and personalized approach, landlords can trust us to help them achieve their rental goals with ease. Get in touch today!